Start a conversation

Have you enjoyed reading about the ethics of alteration but are interested in hearing alternative opinions? Start a conversation with your family and friends about the topic. Below, you can find some questions about the ethics of alteration that you can use as a jumping off point.

  • Have you ever purchased vintage or antique items? 

  • What is your stance on altering these items?

  • Do you consider antiques to be historical documents? Why or why not? 

  • If so, should vintage and antique items be preserved in their original state?

  • Do you have any experience with altering vintage or antique items?

  • If so, what are some of the modifications you have made in the past? 

  • What are some considerations you make (or would make) before altering an item? 

  • Are there instances where you would refrain from altering an item? 

  • Would you be willing to modify a family heirloom? Why or why not?